Advertising your business online is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to get targeted traffic to your website. Just getting a web presence will not guarantee success. No one will know about it unless you drive traffic there. Here are some six of the proven ways to make this happen.
1. Viral Advertising: Join social networking systems like Direct Matches, Squidoo, Giblink or MySpace, Facebook, Stumble Upon, etc. Other members are encouraged to pass on your message as they would by word of mouth advertising. Most people will pay attention to a product if it is recommended by another person or friend rather than a typical impersonal ad.
2. Articles and Press Releases: This is the least expensive way to advertise. Many ezines and article sites look for new content and ideas. You can write about your Reverse Funnel System business or anything you know or love. Do research on the internet about your niche market and then write about it. At the bottom of the article you will want to insert a short biography about yourself and ad your web link there. Not only will people see the link and click to go there, but the search engines will start to recognize your site and list it higher in their pages.
3. Build Your Own List: It has been said that the money is in the list. This is so very true, but it does take time. You advertise and direct viewers to a page where they must enter their name, email, phone number, etc., to receive more information about your business. Once someone enters their information, you can email to them over and over again. You want to include a remove link for those who don't want to get your email anymore, BUT there will be others who will welcome your quality content. These are the ones who will eventually buy from you.
4. Brand Yourself: Add your content to blogs, social networking sites, article sites, ezines, etc. Even if you are not an expert, you can become one. Remember that you want to conduct yourself with integrity, honesty and generosity because everything you do will be viewed at some time; you want to keep a good reputation.
5. Pay Per Click: This type of advertising is used in search engines; they are the ads that show on the side of the page when you type in a particular keyword, product, company name or service. You only pay for this advertising when someone clicks on the link you have included. Choose your keywords carefully. You don't want keywords that are too general and you don't want to run the ad for too long a one time. Start with a small amount per click and test your results; you can increase as needed. Find the best times of day for your advertising and turn off your ad during those other down times.
6. Safelists: Safelists have been around for quite a few years now. You can join a list for free and send your ad to everyone who is a member. You will also receive email from everyone else in the list. The drawback is that most people will not read the ads because they are advertising their own business. Many times members will use a separate email account for receiving safelist email so they don't have to read them all. The best way to get your email ad seen is to buy a solo ad from the safelist owner who will mail it to his list of contact email addresses rather than to the subscribed addresses.
Test the response from advertising your Reverse Funnel System business and then increase the ad types that show the best results. As your marketing budget increases be sure to use a percentage to buy more of the most effective types. Each week or month use the same percentage, usually around 20%-25%. Your business will be growing month after month and year after year.
Joan Kearns is an entrepreneur and full-time internet marketer and trainer. Click Advertise Coastal to learn how to dominate any market, program or service online or off and increase your sales up to 300% in the next 60 days. You can reach her at 972-254-2222.
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